Engaging audiences across the country.
“Erin is a courageous woman and a powerful storyteller.”
~ Pamela Susan, Event Host
Erin Burch, known by her clients as The Body Whisperer, has founded and pioneered The Burch Method, a new bodywork method that considers the actual design of the body and effectively acts as the Fountain of Youth, reversing many signs and symptoms of physical aging.
Audiences learn how to dispel myths, create powerful alignment, reconnection and security in their body and new paradigms.
>> Experience your true, designed, effortless and god/goddess-given posture.
>> Feel taller, look 5 Ibs thinner and appear Regal, Graceful and Elegant
Erin has led workshops at 1440 Multiversity, Kripalu Centre for Yoga and Health,
>> Ageless Goddess.
>> Midlife Magic.
>>Turning the Core into So Much More
>> Embodiment for the new age.
>> The Fountain of Youth.
Featured Guest on:
Open Sky Fitness
Small Changes Big Shifts
Intimate Conversations
Spiritual Entrepreneur
Real Marketing Real Fast
A Black Girl A White Girl
Consciously Speaking
The Art of Giving a Damn
Bulletproof Your Business
The Entrepreneur Journey
Midlife Out Loud
Leading with Light
Mindfulness Mode
Luscious for Life
Smart Healthy Women
A unique perspective…
If the body is a three dimensional puzzle, then the disruption of it has dire consequences, especially long term. Injury, surgery and even pregnancy are huge disruptors. Some people have said that The Burch Method is Humpty Dumpty’s dream. You can be put back together again.