“The difference between pain and no pain is 1mm.”

~ Mariano Rocabado, DPT


“I focus on the 1mm so we can affect the decades. I have my eye on your future even more than you do.”

~ Erin Burch, PT


Elite Athletes

With a keen and unparalleled perception of movement distinctions, The Burch Method fills in the gap that you didn’t even know you had, to create precision and exquisite performance at the top of your game no matter what that is…

Injuries and surgeries change the way you move, even with the most comprehensive rehab. Peel back those layers and discover how to “own” those parts again. Reconnect and feel the life force flowing there once again. Recover those damaged parts.

Elite athletes need their bodies to be in peak condition and to know how to get the best of them I help with that.

Body, Health & Aging Conscious Individuals

Tension in the body, shows up in the face. It shows up in stiffness and the inability to move fluidly. It’s not well known that the freedom and feeling of youth is recoverable. Once we follow and align with the design of the body, there are limitless possibilities . No one addresses from this perspective like The Burch Method.

This culture looks at what is WRONG and goes about fixing it as best it can. I look at what’s ESSENTIAL and then what was “wrong” is no longer a problem.

Acute and Chronic Pain Sufferers

Who doesn’t want to vanquish that dragon of pain and stand victorious over it?  Pain sucks.  For anyone who has been ripped and laid bare by its talons, felt its hot, fiery breath in everything they did, lived in the wasteland of its fury, I get it.  Pain can take an ordinary life and turn it into a living hell.  I have seen people in all kinds of pain: debilitating back pain, merciless shoulder pain, excruciating jaw pain, crippling knee pain.  I have been in a great deal of pain myself.  To be out of it feels like being let out of prison.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, for sure.

 Wouldn’t it be nice to never feel pain again? When pain calls, The Burch Method answers.

Post Injury/Post Surgery Patients

If the body is a three dimensional puzzle, then the disruption of it has dire consequences, especially long term. Injury, surgery and even pregnancy are huge disruptors. Some people have said that The Burch Method is Humpty Dumpty’s dream. You can be put back together again. Can you imagine that for yourself?

“Living tissue is the most moldable clay in the Universe.

~ Erin Burch, PT.

Start a new relationship with your body. Today.